
Breast pain

I have had breast pain after nursing my son.  I can't say for sure whether I would describe as "shooting" or not.  Sometimes it feels like achey tenderness, sometimes like small shoots of pain.  I have some damage to my nipples due to my son's poor latch.  He had tongue tie clipped yesterday so we are hoping latch will improve over the next week.  Anybody else have this sort of breast pain and know what it is?  My son has no signs of thrush in his mouth but I know he could be asymptomatic.  At first, this was tolerable, but now it is just making me uncomfortable and it's difficult to hold my son.  I have an OB appt on Tuesday and I hope they can help, but until then just wondering if anybody else has any thoughts.  I don't want to start treating something that isn't the problem and I PRAY it's not thrush because it sounds miserable.

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