
So I have flat nipples and my new baby boy has a tongue that's not good for breastfeeding...

My beautiful son was born at 4:10 this morning and the LC that came in made me feel like I'm already a breastfeeding failure.  She looked at my nipples and immediately told me that I would need a guard because they were too flat then flung open my sons mouth and started talking about how his tongue is "tied" too close to its tip and I need to get it snipped so we can even have a shot at breastfeeding...

 Now, I'm new at this...he is new at this... Isn't there a learning curve?!  Of course I'll keep trying but I was really looking forward to a professionals advice and I feel very slighted.

Me-27 DH-29
Plan on TTC #2 as soon as 1st PPP arrives... Come on AF, I've never wanted you more!
Shouts to May2012 LB blueberries! Dear TTC gods, let us be LBs again!
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