
Pumping and work question (may not be possible)...

Although I will be home for probably 9 or so mos with DD once she is born, In my profession I may have the opportunity, if I chose to work an odd day(s) once a month or so...problem being my profession. I'm a dental hygienist and if I work a few days during my Mat leave I'll most likely be doing 'fill-in's'' at various offices where I don't know the office set up or staff for up to a 8hr shift. Like I said I wouldn't know if I could pump at the office, I don't get the schedule until I walk into the office day of nor would I feel comfortable pumping with strangers at a strange office (I also would, most likely, NOT have my car with me so that's not an option). Same goes for when I go back to work after 9 mos- I'd be fine pumping at my office but it's an old historic building where the only 'closed door private area' is the staff (single) washroom shared by all 4 staff (male and female)....

Any ideas/tips what I can do (after 5 or so mos PP) if I decided to work a full day once a month or so? could I skip 9hrs and have my boobs survive?

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