
Ba! First bad nipple damage at 9 months. Help!

So apparently I have had it easy all this time!  Thrush was painful but OMG...  DD is teething more I think and her top teeth may be next.  My nips have been sore the last few days, and I keep trying to rematch her.  I pump at work and that has been hurting too.  Tonight our bedtime feed was super painful and after she went down I noticed I has what looked to be a blister on. Y aerolajust to the side and above my nipple where the skin had peeled off.  As if a blister there was rubbed off during our last feeding.  Holy smokes does this hurt!  Clothes can't even touch it without taking my breath away!  I put some APNO on and am letting it air out.  What else do I do?  I am terrified to nurse or even pump with broken skin!  Will this heal fast?  tIA for and advice you can provide!
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