1st Trimester


Good afternoon  ladies!

I have been apart of the TTCAL board since Feb of this year. I had my first BFP on Feb 2 and my m/c Feb 11. I was only a few weeks along so everything happened naturally. My doctor said my progesterone levels were extremely low so the next time I got a BFP to come in for blood work so he can check my levels.

Well I got my BFP yesterday morning! It's still EARLY but going to dr in one hour to have blood drawn to he can check my progesterone level. No symptoms as a right now expect for being bloated and gasy!!

 I look forward to GTYK ladies and hope I get to stick around this go round!

BFP #1 2/02/2012! Natural m/c 2/11/12 Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers <a href="http://www.thenest.com/?utm_source=ticker&utm_medium=HTML&utm_campaign=tickers" title="D
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