
Uterine artery cut during csection

I am wondering if anyone else went through this. I ended up with an emergency csection after hrs of Pitocin. When we got in OR my little girls hr went to 60 so they had to get her out quickly.  They ended up accidentally cutting my uterine artery bc they had to move so quickly. My husband didn't get to come in until after she was delivered, I had other issues too bc my placenta had begun to fail early.  So I am wondering if it is going to affect future pregnancies even though they repaired the cut to the artery.
Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker PCOS 2006-2008 Clomid and Metformin all BFN cycles 2008-2009 3 IUI's all BFN Feb 2010 IVF hyperstimulated April 2010 FET#1 BFP with twins m/c at 8 weeks Sept 2010 FET#2 BFP with Brody and Harper born at 22 weeks from IC May 2011 FET#3 BFP with singleton, cerclage placed at 13.5 weeks Neelie Grace born 37.5weeks on Jan 4 2012
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