
EBF since 4 p.m. yesterday....stop pumping?

As of 4 p.m. yesterday Farrah has been breastfeeding exclusively!! She is 37 weeks adjusted gestation so officially full-term :) So my question is.... can I quit pumping? I don't know for sure how much she is getting from me. She was taking 50-60 cc's from the bottle. She goes to 2-3 hours between feedings so I think she is doing good. I offer her the bottle after the feedings, like the NICU nurse told us to do, but so far she hasn't taken it.  My breasts also feel fine, haven't gotten engorged. I am so proud of my little girl...she amazes me every time I get stressed out or worried about the fact that she came early :)
Alison & Britten-Married April 16, 2011 in Miami Beach Farrah Ann arrived May 4, 2012- 6 weeks early! 5 lbs 6 oz. and 19 1/4 inches Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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