
BFing help. I don't know if I should feed my baby or not.

We are 7 weeks PP. I have an oversupply (it's just never going to go away) and DD is refluxy. She'll spit up over 3hr after her last feed. She has big spit ups and will choke, even if she's not on her back. It's terrifying. I'm having a hard time figuring out if I'm feeding her too much, which has been suggested to me...

 The pedi wants me to try and use the pacifer in between feedings to buy as much time as possible, but DD will be giving me the hungry signs after only eating an hour or two ago. I feel horrible. I think she just wants to comfort nurse but I hate to think she's hungry, so I give in and then the spit up gets out of control and she's so uncomfortable for hours.

She's gaining weight fine, but I hate to see her upset from over feeding, wanting to comfort nurse or being hungry, and I can't tell what she really needs. I also only use one breast during a feeding to minimize letdowns. The pedi had also suggested introducing rice cereal to pumped milk to help thicken it up to keep it down, but I don't know how I feel about it. She also wants me to seriously consider switching to formula because I'm so stressed out about this... Any help would be hugely appreciated or is anyone else going through something similar?

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