
If you think you have thrush...

Would you call your Ob? Your lo's pedi? Or your general practitioner?

The more I read about it, the more I think I have it. Wednesday I took LO in to be weighed due to a big weight loss. Dd just started nursing at all this week. When I was there the nurse wanted to check her latch and suspected she had thrush due to a white tongue. She had pedi come in. He looked but felt it was just milk residue from us supplementing w/formula. I didn't have any symptoms...or so I thought. I am having nipple and breast pain. I figured it was still from a less than great latch. I about come out of my skin when she nurses but I am just happy she is doing it at all. Today it's gotten worse. 

IDK...maybe I am wrong . Wait it out? Call? I am tired from lack of sleep. I am hormonal and emotional. I am elated that dd is nursing. I am all over the place! 

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