
How do I manage a toddler (will be 2 in July) and BF a newborn? Help!

My little one is now 11 days old.  We have just managed to get past the painful portion of initial breastfeeding (sore nipples, engorgement etc).  Now that i'm starting to get the hang of things I want to start focusing on my toddler more.  He is 22 months.  My husband is home for 3 weeks (1 1/2 weeks left) and I am not sure how I will be able to manage no sleep, bfing a newborn every 1 1/2-2 hours and make sure my toddler gets enough attention/stays out of mayhem. 

The next thing I am worried about is going back to work at 6 weeks...I have to build up some sort of stash to start work and I'm already in a time constraint... Any recs?  I really want to BF but formula is looking better and better (not as good as breast milk but I won't lose my sanity).


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