
Needing formula supplements as a working mom: what is realistic?

I'm a FTM expecting in July. I am really, really dedicated to my desire to breastfeed and pump. I have done a lot of reading and research, bought a good breastpump, shared my desire to BF with family, friends, and my husband. I am taking a 6w maternity leave after which I will work 40-70 hour work weeks. I will be given time/space to pump at work and we are only considering daycares that are willing to feed EBM.

As part of this I would really like to avoid the use of formula if at all possible. My husband is worried that with me working we may need to supplement. 

My question:

How realistic is it to plan to not supplement? If you work full time were you able to pump/nurse enough to totally avoid formula? I know it can be done in theory, but what I'm looking for is personal experience (ie, I know it can be done but could YOU do it). 

*As always, I do not cast judgment on anyone with regards to their choices to BF or FF. My decision that I've made is my own and I don't blame anyone if they need to or want to use formula.*

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