
Twins are 8 weeks old and I still have sore nipples...ugh

Sometimes I will have periods where my nipples heal up and I will go a couple days where BFing is wonderful. But it never fails that I will get blisters and cracks again a couple of days later. I still have a hard time getting the boys to latch well and really open their mouths. I can't hold their head and my boob at the same time throughout nursing because I tandem nurse. It seems like after about a minute or two of feeding, even if they do get a somewhat good latch, they always want to only have a small amount of the nipple in their mouth, even when their head is cradled in place with receiving blankets. 

What I would like to know from you ladies is do you have any suggestions for getting a good latch in the first place (foot ball hold), keeping them there, and if your little ones did this...did it get better over time? Any advice would be great! Thank you! 

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