Babies on the Brain

How did you know you were ready?

Hi everyone.  I'm an old knottie/nestie and am starting to seriously consider having a baby and was just wondering how people knew when they were definitely ready.  I'm beginning to think that I'm just never going to have a strong urge (baby fever), even though I've always pictured having children.  Did anyone else feel like this? 

I think some of it is that I enjoy my life too much and the traveling I get to do with work.  Unfortunately, you can't wait forever to have children but you can travel for most of your life.  We also visit our parents about every other weekend (for the whole weekend) because of health issues.  This takes a lot out of me and would obviously have to change.  I'm almost 32 and my husband is 34, we've been married for almost 7 years and together almost 12.  Our life is pretty stable, I've been at my job for 7 years and he's been at his for 4.  We are going to start looking for a house this summer.  My job has also agreed to letting me work from home on some days.  I've been taking prenatals for a while as well. 

I'm just nervous about actually trying.  It's a huge change and a lot of extra work.  I know my husband will be very hands on though.  I'm worried about working and having kids.  I don't want to send them to daycare when they are babies since they are only little for so long.  It just seems like now is the logical time and I wouldn't want to wait and then have trouble getting pregnant.  It's kind of the same with buying the house part of me wants it, the other part of me feels old and settled, even though I really already am.  I'm just worried since I don't have baby fever that I might not be ready, but will I ever get this feeling?  Any thoughts or personal experiences would be appreciated.

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