1st Trimester

What am I doing wrong, RE: Doppler

Ok, so I have a home doppler that I'd love to be able to use. I'm nearly 11 weeks. It seems like lots of people can hear baby at 11 weeks. I get nothing! I was just at the DR on Monday and had an ultrasound and baby looks great and I know heartrate should be in the 150s/160s based on that appointment. Is it really just too early for me to hear something, or am I using this machine wrong? (PS I used it with DS, but it was a bit later... so I generally know where to put probe and what heartrate should sound like, it's just not working yet). Thanks for any input!
m/c March 2009 @ 5 weeks ~ m/c June 2009 @ 10 weeks ~ m/c February 2012 @ 4.5 weeks Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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