1st Trimester

Anyone here living in Italy?

I saw a thread a ways back where someone mentioned that they were living  in Italy, and I really wish I hadn't lost it!  I'm living here and I kind of have some prenatal care questions.

I've had some pretty bad morning sickness, but not the point that I'm worried about the health of the baby.  I'm almost 11 weeks and at my pre pregnancy weight (I initially gained, then lost it when the m/s got bad).  I've tried a LOT of home remedies and I think they've really kept me from the brink of getting too dehydrated.  I'm able to hold down dinner at night (ONLY dinner), and my prenatal.

 Anyway, I asked my doctor if there was anything else I could do. I'm sure, at home I'd probably be given Zofran or something.  However, she said she could only offer me one drug and I should take it "only if necessary." Well, I looked it up and it's a pregnancy category D!!! I'm not at all interested in that and I hope she was planning on giving me more information if I'd wanted to take it. 

 So, I guess my question is: is there any Zofran in this country (I'm kind of scared to ask my dr), or is it just really expensive? My insurance doesn't cover care here, so I'm paying out of pocket until we get home.



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