1st Trimester

VENT- boss outed me

So I am almost 12 weeks and I haven't told anyone at work that I am pregant. Today one of my co-workers told me that our big boss (a man) asked her if I was pregnant "because I'm getting bigger in the middle." I am very petite (size 2) so everything shows. I've been wearing looser clothing lately too.

I am annoyed on so many levels. Mostly, that I have my boss talking about my midsection. I don't know how many other people he asked but I love the prospect that my boss is "telling" people before I have told all my family and friends.

To top it off, my review is next week and I was going to tell him then. This would have been right after my 12 week U/S. I'm so mad now I don't want to tell him. At the same time I'm tempted to tell him and add that I'm really offended he felt it was even ok to ask someone this.

Help me calm down please.Angry




Diagnosis of Dimished Ovarian Reserve- FSH> 12
First Dr said I didn't have a chance- Dumped him!
New RE Love her! A positive outlook makes all the difference!
IVF #1 12/10/11 ER 12/14/11 BFP Beta 13dpt =56 Beta #2= 36 CP
dabbling in IUI while we save for IVF Round 2
IUI #1 Feb 2012 follistim/femara = BFN

IUI #2 March 2012 Follistim/ Femara = BFP!!! Beta #1 @14dpiui = 168.5 Beta #2 1,159.4 Beta #3 16,273
Ultrasound 4/18/12- Heard Heartbeat - 115 Ultrasound #2 at 8 weeks, heartbeat 150. Second sac found vanishing twin

Healthy Baby Boy Born 12/10/12!!!

BabyFetus Ticker
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