1st Trimester

Welp, second u/s tomorrow. Confirmation? Closure? Very scared.

LMP 03/07/12
BFN ~04/18/12
BFP 04/26/12

First u/s 05/16/12 -- Saw only the sac measuring at 5 wks.

05/16/12 beta -- 6300
05/18/12 beta -- 10600

Had some spotting over the weekend.. some red/brown, some light pink, some light brown.

05/21/12 beta -- 14xxx

I will be having an u/s tomorrow to see if anything is changing.  Dr was "encouraged" that my numbers were increasing, but I'm not.  At the rate they were rising, I would only double after 6 days.  Doesn't seem right to me.  Then the spotting.  I'm quite nervous.. and not able to find a lot to be hopeful about.  BLAHHH.  Being preg is SO stressful, isn't it?!

Anyone have any similar stories?  I hate this roller coaster!!
BFP #1 04/27/12, blighted ovum, m/c 05/30/12 @ ?? weeks, D&C 06/01/12
BFP #2 11/06/12 -- come on LO! BabyFetus Ticker
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