1st Trimester

Any experience with Hyperthyroidism?

I had my first appointment yesterday, and my doc added a thyroid function screen to the normal battery of blood testing due to strong family history of hypothyroidism. (I have my thyroid checked about once a year because of the family history, and was due for it anyway.) Well, the results came back positive for hyperthyroidism. I had a second blood test done today to look at the actual thyroid hormone levels and will find out the results tomorrow morning, but does anyone have experience with this?

I am not having any of the "classic" symptoms of hyperthyroidism (other than nausea, which of course, comes with being pregnant). Anyone's thryoid regulate on it's own without having to use medical intervention? I read today that in some cases, the HCG hormone can cause slight hyperthyroidism, which may regulate itself by 12-13 weeks...
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