1st Trimester


I just found out about my pregnancy this past Sunday... for the few weeks prior to that, I was doing all sorts of stuff that I shouldn't when you're pregnant - drinking (hello, Cinco de Mayo!), taking Hydroxycut to try and lose weight, probably not eating so healthy...

Should I be worried that all of that was affecting the baby that I didn't know was there?! I've completely stopped all of it since I found out.

BFP #1: 5/20/12 ~ EDD: 2/20/13 ~ Betas at 221: 5/24/12 ~ Betas at 917: 5/29/12 ~ M/C: 5/29/12 BFP #2: 10/17/12 (13dpo) ~ EDD: 6/29/13 Beta #1 @ 2164: 10/22/12 ~ 1st u/s: 10/26/12 = empty ute Beta #2 @ 7610: 10/26/12 ~ 2nd u/s: 10/30/12 = measuring at 5w6d 3rd u/s: 11/5/12 = HB of 150 ~ 4th u/s: 11/27/12 = perfect wiggly LO! Lilypie Maternity tickers "Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not ok, it's not the end." Image and video hosting by TinyPic <a href="http://s1152.photobucket.com/albums/p492/ktrue85/Due in June/?action=view
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