
Stool consistency for a breastfed newborn?

My baby is 5 days old and my milk has come in.  We are working out the kinks on breastfeeding (see FTM Panic post below). 

I noticed that yesterday and today her stools were quite watery.  She passes gas very frequently, sometimes without a stool.  Today she really "let one go" and it was a totally watery blowout stool.  She has also been particularly "disatisfied" today!  She is crying a ton, wanting to eat all the time, or even just suck (without a good latch).

I don't want to run to the pediatrician for every little thing.  Everything I have been told and/or read says her poops should be more seedy, and a little more solid.  Is the watery stool something to be concerned about?  There was also a bit of blood in a dry diaper before the watery stool diaper, but I've read that some blood discharge in a baby girl is normal.

Thanks for any thoughts.  Trying not to freak about every little thing, but as a FTM I am so new and just trying to get my bearings and do the right things for my baby girl!

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