
EP'ers help me!

Okay, just tell me if this is good, or completely crazy...I can take it (:


I have been pumping since day 4. DD, bless her heart had an awful latch. The baby blues got the best of me and I gave up on her ability to figure it out. I feel awful. I wish so badly I would have stuck it out, but now I know what to expect for future children.

About one month ago DD started sleep thru the night so I dropped the middle of the night pumping and when she ate in the morning I would pump and get enough to replace the 5oz bottle in the middle of the night(that she wasn't having) and the 4oz she had in the morning. One day DD decided she was not going to sleep thru the night anymore, but I never picked up the pumping again and I still get the same amount. NOW, my question is..instead of pumping every time she eats during the day, what if I pump every other time? Would that destroy my supply, or would the same thing happen, where I hold all the milk until the next session? I am close to wit's end, and I don't want to stop giving her breast milk, but I want something that might make me a little less crazy. 


Advice?! TIA (:  

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