1st Trimester

When to tell DD

Tomorrow we have our first ultrasound, which will hopefully confirm that despite the spotting I've been having, that our baby is growing right on track.  We originally weren't going to have an u/s until almost 11 weeks, and had planned on telling her then. 

She's young, so I don't want to tell her too soon b/c 1) something could still go wrong, and 2) we might be hearing questions about "how much longer will it be" for the next 7 months.  When are you planning on telling your kids?

TTC #2 since 2/2010 DX PCOS BFP #1 4/1/08, DD born 12/5/08 BFP #2 2/3/12, m/c 2/14/12 BFP #3 4/27/12 EDD 12/31/12 Hoping for a sticky baby! Lilypie Pregnancy tickers Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Minus the shed, perfect pic web
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