Single Parents

Few questions from a new SP

    I recently became a single parent and i have a few questions/concerns.

   The father and i are talking about cs and visitation. He works 6 days a week 8-6 and only off on sundays. 99% of the time he stays way past 6. He will be living with his mom until our lease is over in October but his mom has never wanted to be a part of our daughters life...and she used to do meth. I am not sure if she still does or not, but she has never treated my daughter or myself with respect and i don't want her around her.

  I would like to have supervised visitation if they end up going by the standard schedule, but is there any way to make that happen when talking to a lawyer?

   Also, at what age can the child stay overnight? My daughter is only 5 months and i was the one that took care of her mainly. He also has another son with someone else that he sees every weekend but hardly has time to take care of him as well. He's very immature, drinks, etc and i don't feel like he would be a fit parent raising her by himself.

  Any reccomendations on what i should do? Thanks in advance.

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