Babies on the Brain

We keep it klassy here in OKC

DH is an EMT and he works a lot of the home games at Chesapeake arena. He was there last night, and had to fix up some of the idiots who got hurt from fighting. He didn't get home until after 1am because of it. I knew if we won it would be ridiculous. You could tell from the footage of Thunder Alley (where people stand outside and watch the game on huge TVs) that the mood was very boisterous. 

imageimage 318/13,000=2.5% Started TTC in June 2008. Took a few breaks here and there. We started TTC again in Jan 2012. TTC #1, Cycle 33.
My Knitting Blog Bio Experiments With Running
I've given up charting but here's the link anyway.
Bonafide thread killah
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