Babies on the Brain

How to approach....

So I have an extremely good friend who has been trying for nearly a year to get KU with no luck which I know is still in the normal range.  She's not charting but is using OPKs.  Anyway so we had talked about it and she knew I was getting off BC in April and she even made the comment, "If you get pregnant next month I'll be very excited for you," because we got pregnant fairly quickly with DD---3 cycles.  No idea it would be this quick this time around---I even showed her my ridiculous chart and we laughed about it.  Then about a week 1/2 later I got a BFP.  So anyway I'd like to tell her sometime in the next month (after my US) since we are very close but I am unsure how to approach. I want to be sensitive to her feelings without making it an awkward situation.  I feel like she will be upset if I wait too long to tell her.  Any ideas or thoughts?
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