
Dwindling supply WWYD?

DS dropped down to 1 5 oz bottle at DC a couple months ago, along with plenty of solids. I nurse right before and right after DC. He's there 8 hours with less than 10 minute ride from our house.

I've only been able to pump 3-4oz a day lately and just used the last of my freezer stash. On Friday, I supplemented the extra 2 oz with formula. DCP said DS took 1 sip, gave her a look like "you've got to be crazy thinking I'm going to drink this!"and refused the rest of the bottle.

At her suggestion, I sent just 3 oz of BM yesterday (and today) he drank it happily and didn't seem too upset that it was such a small bottle.

Would you continue to send the small bottle or try to force the issue with formula? Or some other option I don't see right now? FWIW, I'm a teacher and there are only 16 days of school left anyway.

TIA for your opinions!

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