1st Trimester

Intro and ?

Hi all! I just got my first BFP today at 11dpo! We are super excited, but really nervous at the same time.

I know the first step is to call in to the OB and get my first prenatal visit lined up, and that's where I'm not sure what to do. I love my OB and was very excited about going to her during my pregnancy, but I have just recently discovered that there is a birthing center in town that seems to be more in line with what I'd like when it comes to delivering. However, I'd really like to get a tour of the facility, meet the midwives that are there, and ask them about things such as their emergency policies before fully committing.  

So I guess my question is, should I go ahead and set up a prenatal visit with my regular OB now, tour the birthing center, then make the switch later or do the tour first then make the appointment with whomever I feel the most comfortable with? I guess the reason for my rush is I'm not sure how fast the birthing center fills up as they only have 3 suites. TIA!

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BFP 5.21.12 ~~ Born 1.28.13
Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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