
6 months crossroads- WWYD?

I'm a lurker on here, so I apologize if this just comes out of the blue, and is long and rambling.  I'm just feeling a little frustrated lately...

First, a little background info.  DD was EBF for 8 weeks, then I went back to school full-time to finish my last semester of clinical rotations (40 hr weeks.)  It wasn't practical for me to pump as often as I should have while I was gone, but I did my best and pumped every day at lunch.  So she would get some formula, maybe around 6-8 oz. each day from 2 mos on. I never noticed her interest in BFing decline during this time.  She stayed with my DH during the day and they had a good routine going.

Now that I have graduated, and am staying home with her full time right now.  She will be 6 mos. next week.  The past 2 weeks at home have been really frustrating for both of us, I think.  I have been trying to wean off the formula by offering her 2-4 oz. after BFing, a couple of times during the day.  (When I was normally gone).  Well now it seems when she is hungry, she gets frustrated at the breast after a couple of minutes.  She arches her back and cries and resists me, so I give in and get her a bottle.  She seems "relieved" sometimes and will drink it fairly easily.  I really don't want to have to resort to the pump as a daily thing but I will pump sometimes after this happens.  But, she loves nursing when she is sleepy- I have always nursed her to sleep at night and throughout the night when she wakes up.  She has also gotten to the point where I can't get her settled for naps without nursing (my DH would bounce and shh her to music to get her to nap but I can't get that to work anymore, she's very curious and distractible).  So all in all, I just feel like I'm her pacifier (she has never taken to a paci) rather than her nourishment.  I get that it's comforting and I don't mind it sometimes, but if she's not going to nurse well to eat, then I don't want this happening.

So on top of the adjustment of being home full-time with her, we are also buying a house and moving in 2 weeks.  I'm sure all of this plus some stress is just adding up and contributing to my frustration.  My DH is very pro-BFing and encourages me to keep going, but I'm not sure he understands why I am so frustrated and that if I am going to accomplish anything at home all day, then I can't be tied to the pump, etc.  I feel really torn on trying my hardest to work through this and keep BFing, or to just be proud that I did my best for 6 months and move on to weaning her.  I feel kind of silly putting us through this and then she will wean anyways.  But then again I want to do what is best for my DD.

IAmPregnant Ticker
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