
CP: What would you do?

I have BF my DD for all of her 10 months.  However, in the past few months my supply has slowly been dropping.  Now as my freezer stash is dwindling and I simply am not making enough to satisfy her I have to do something different.  My goal was to make it 12 months plus but that doesn't look like it will be the case.  I am a bit heart broken about it.

I have a few options, would love to hear what you think and what option you would choose if you were me.

1.  Supplement with WCM and when my freezer stash is depleted just continue with only WCM.  I didn't plan on introducing WCM until she was 1 but we are 55 days away.

 2. Supplement with formula.  Then change again in a month an a half to WCM.

3. Supplement with BM from a dear friend whose supply is incredible.  My DH is creeped out by this option.  Not sure if it is because it is one of our close friends or if it is just simply another woman's milk.

I am going to call my pedi in the morning to see his recommendation too. Thanks for your thoughts ladies!

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