
Freak out!

So, I have been EBF since LO was born. Everything has been going we. I recently went back to work about 3 weeks ago. I noticed a crazy decrease in my supply. I was pumping about 4 oz. per breast and now I'm lucky to get 4 oz TOTAL! I'm freakih out a little about this! LO is only 10 weeks old and I want to BF as long as possible. I was pumping at work at 9 am and then again at 2:30 (I'm a teacher) and I thought that wasn't enought pumping so I added in a pumping session again at 12! What more can I do? Is there something I'm doing wrong?    I have been watching what I'm eating more but I heard mixed information about consuming more calories or consuming less calories?! This FTM needs some help! 

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