
Advice to increase supply?

I EBF my son for the first 2 months.  Then when I went back to work I was unable to pump enough so we began to supplement with formula.  At first things were going well, I would nurse when I was home and he would have formula and some breast milk during the day. Well, the last couple weeks my son does not want to nurse.  He just screams and refuses to latch.  So, I end up giving him formula cause I don't know what else to do.  He usually only nurses late at night and early morning even when I'm home all day but even then he is still hungry.  When I'm at work I am lucky to pump 1 1/2 oz and some day I am not able to pump at all due to work craziness and I just started my period a couple days ago.  I have school breaks off and only have 2 weeks left until summer break.  I really wanted to EBF while I am home for the summer but I'm starting to feel like that is not possible.  Any advice is welcomed.  Thank you and sorry this was long.
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