1st Trimester

Cramping then spotting?

Even though yesterday the nurse practitioner said that I shouldn't be worried and everything is fine, I'm back to worrying.

 This morning I woke up with moderate cramping. It was constant and not coming and going like the cramping that had early subsided this week had been. I took Tylenol and was able to get back to sleep feeling fine when I woke up again.

 Just got to the airport and I'm about to get on a plane to go see my fianc? and I'm having very very mild cramping that is coming and going, and now I have like brownish discharge or spotting I guess. 

I know this could be very normal and I shouldn't stress but it's so hard not to.  I'm just wondering if there's anything different I should be doing? I'll do anything at this point. 

Monday I'll be getting the numbers back from my second beta test. I'm looking for an increase from 24 as of wednesday!


Thanks ladies for all your continued sweet and kind words.  

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