
Boobs are useful for other things: a lesson learned

This is a reminder to all the mamas whose BFing has not gone as planned - all those with low supply, inverted nipples, trouble latching, etc.

The major reason for my low supply is likely insufficient gland problems. My left breast is a D (or DD? Bigger than LO's head!) and my right breast is barely a B, pointy and cone shaped, with an inverted nipple. I am like the Hunchback of Booberdame. I am no longer embarrassed by this. Anyway, DS has never liked the right breast. He can't latch well around the small nipple and pointy tip. He regularly refuses this breast, no matter if he's hungry or not, and will sometimes go 8+ hours before nursing on it again. Lots of times he latches, grimaces and wrinkles up his nose and unlatches. We've done the works to correct this and have gone from almost no nursing on that side to maybe 50-60% of times offered. And even then its mostly by tricking him. ("You like sucking on that pinkie finger? Ha! Surprise! Boob in your mouth!")

In the beginning I felt personally rejected every time DS would turn away - even knowing how silly that was. DS was refusing part of his mama! I was defective! Blah blah blah. Its natural to feel that way no matter how illogical. But we have discovered other uses for this unhappy little boob. DS only likes to eat from the left, its true, BUT he only likes to SLEEP on the right! Many times he will purposely roll over, search out the right boob, adjust so he is resting his chin on it, cuddle into it like a body pillow, and go straight to sleep - no singing or nursing or nothin'. He LOVES the right side! Just not in the way I expected. And I get to feel like I'm nourishing and soothing my baby... even if it isn't with milk.

So for those mamas out there feeling like you can't breastfeed well... remember there is more to "nursing" than just milk! There are SO MANY ways to bond and comfort your baby! :)
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