
Exclusive Pumping

Hi All,

So, for a number of reasons I've resorted to exclusive pumping in order for my 3 week old to get breastmilk. Despite pumping every 2 hours during the day and every 3 hours during the night I am unable to keep up with his appetite and have given him formula several times in moments where I seem to have nothing left to give him. I do not want to become reliant on this, and it bothers me that it seems to be turning that way.

I have a medela freestyle, pump for 30 minutes at a time, eat lots of old fashioned oats, drink plenty of water, eat a balanced diet, and use massage/compression while I pump. I do not skip pumping sessions if I give him formula. When I pump I get anything from a total of 4 ounces (morning) to around 3 ounces give or take. I have also noticed that one breast seems to empty by 30 minutes, while the other never seems to completely empty (a drop or two every minute or so at the end of the pumping session). Could this be affecting my supply? Can anyone offer me advice or suggestions to get away from using the formula? Also, what's the deal with suction settings on the pump--I've read that using higher suctions will only cause sore nipples and will not yeild more milk, then I've also read about people gradually increasing suction to full power. I find anything beyond medium suction to be painful.

 Exclusive pumpers--does this ever get easier? Thanks in advance!

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