

DS2 hated the bottle and didn't take it at all despite all efforts. With DS3, We have been giving him a bottle 2 times a day (morning and bedtime) so that he gets used to it before I go back to work. He is 12 weeks today and the past couple of nights, DH and I have been struggling to feed him a bottle. He prefers to nurse and I know this because as soon as I pop out my breasts, he will suck to eat. What should I do??? I don't want him to start refusing or hating the bottle because we had the hardest time with DS2 starving himself when I went back to work. I go back to work in 2 weeks and I don't want the same to happen to DS3. I'm afraid that if I nurse him, he will refuse the bottle when I go back to work. At the same time, I can't keep up with pumping because DH works from 5:45pm to 2:45am and I am at home with 3 kids who all need pumping around the clock isn't an option.

Edit: i should add that I want to breastfeed. My goal is to go at least a year..what I'm actually scared of is cobtinuing to nurse and my ds3 refusing the bottle because he'd rather nurse.
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