
For those whose LOs BF and also take a bottle...

DS nurses when he's with me in the mornings and evenings, but gets bottles while I'm at work. Lately, the daycare provider has been asking if we can go up a bottle nipple. She said DS is taking a long time to finish bottles (25 minutes or so) and often falling asleep while drinking the bottle. I think the latter is because he's used to a mid-morning nap and when they feed him at daycare happens to be around the time that he hits that sleepy period in the day. I'm not sure about the first issue. 

I've read that breastfed babies never need to go up a nipple size, because the flow of milk while BFing doesn't change. My supply is so low and we've had other issues, so I'm worried that DS will go on a nursing strike if he decides a bottle is easier than BFing. Then again, if DS is frustrated with the bottle, it might be best to try it.

Has your breastfed baby gone up a nipple size? For those who haven't, would you try it or keep things as they are? TIA! 

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