
Pumping to increase supply?

My son was born at 35/36 weeks and breastfeeding was a challenge. I felt comfortable feeding him after about the 5th day. I started to pump after feeding him and would get a combined about of about 6oz. I had an oversupply of milk so for mothers day I gave him a bottle and skipped a pumping session (I was at my in-laws). the next morning (monday) my breasts were huge hard and sore and I had the chills. I spent all day recovering. Tuesday hey were sooo much smaller and baby was hungry after an hour of feeding. Now, I don't know how differently he was feeding, if he was actually eating or pacifiering me. He was starving after and was smacking his lips and sticking his hands in his mouth. I gave him some of my milk in the bottle, and he had an once of it. I think he drinks about 1.5 ounces so .5 ounces is probably what he got out of me. Now i'm trying everything to increase my supply but after taking fengreek he is sooo gassy and uncomfortable that he won't sit still enough to eat from me. I ended up giving him formula and I pumped instead, though now I only get 2 oz combined if i'm lucky.

I'm considering giving him formula till tomorrow so that he won't be completely turned off of the idea of breastfeeding. If I pump several times a day, will it increase my supply? 

Any ideas or suggestions? 

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