1st Trimester

bfing when you got pregnant?

Anyone on here breastfeeding when they got pregnant?  If yes, were the symptoms different than your previous pregnancy?

I have a 5 month old & am breastfeeding.  The past week or so I have felt so off.  My nipples are sore, she is fussy at the breast, I feel nauseous and so, so, so tired.  I don't know if I am just starting to ovulate again or if I am pregnant...

 Anyway, I just wondered if anyone wanted to share their experience! ;) Thanks!  

BFP#1: gave birth via c-section 6/13/09 to a baby boy! BFP#2: 12/8/10 miscarriage 12/25/10 (6.5 weeks, natural); BFP#3: 2/23/11 miscarriage 2/26/11 (very early, natural); BFP#4: 3/25/11: Beta #1: 14; Beta #2: 48; 4/11/11: heartbeat 137! Hopeful for a December 2011 baby! BabyFruit Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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