
DD has been obsessed with nursing for 2 weeks now and I'm dying

I would say it's a growth spurt but I think it's too long. All she wants to do is nurse all.the.time. At least every hour. She won't nap more than 20 minutes and is generally fussy. She'll only nap longer if actually latched on.

Nursing before bed is a nightmare. She latches, unlatches, and relatches 1000 times - seriously every second! It's really ineffective and won't stimulate a letdown so she gets mad and it gets worse. It can easily take an hour plus before she finally passes out for the night. I've tried a bottle but she won't take much, so she's not starving. I can pump anywhere from 3-6oz per side. I often end up in tears. The funny thing is she'll sttn 10 hours.

Any ideas what the heck is going on? Almost makes me want to quit bf'ing since it is so stressful. 

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