

So...I thought I might have mastitis, but I don't, thankfully.  I had a low fever yesterday morning, felt drained and weak, and I dropped a pump session about a week ago, so I had been a little engorged.  Part of my right breast feels kind of bruised.  It's right at the top and I can feel what seems like a kind of knot there, and it's painful to the touch.  

My obgyn today said it wasn't mastitis.  Which I believe.  My (low) fever is gone, I don't feel flu-ish anymore, and I don't have red marks or heat on the breast.  She said it could just be bruised muscle or something.  Just to keep an eye on it.

Then...she called back saying she looked over my chart (2 breast biopsies, many mammograms and breast ultrasounds in the past, family history of breast cancer) and said she and I would probably feel better if I got a mammogram.  

So now I'm finding some conflicting info. on mammograms while bf'ing.  Some say it's fine and I can continue to bf right after.  Others say I can pump and keep the milk, but need to give previously pumped milk for 24 hrs. after.  Anyone had a mammogram while bf'ing?  Any ideas?

Also, anyone have any ideas what this might be?  I'm fine with just waiting it out and seeing if it might just be bruised muscle, but if she's going to schedule a mammogram I kind of feel like I should go...?! 

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