
PSA - infection

I had posted last week about sore, scabbed nipples.  I had seen a lactation consultant who helped correct her latch and things went better for a day or so, then turned dramatically worse.  It turns out that I had a Group A Strep infection on both nipples.  DD (who was 8 days old) also had strep in her mouth.  We had to go to the ER for her to get IV antibiotics.  She wasn't sick, but could have easily gotten very ill.  I've had 2 shots of antibiotics as well (it can also be very dangerous for new moms).  I've decided to pump, and after a week of pumping only, I still have deep/open areas on both sides.  I didn't notice how deep things had gotten.  We are both doing better, and I"m feeling guilty about pumping, but it is the best option for us now.  It was very traumatizing seeing a newborn get an IV because of something I gave her.

 Trust your gut, get checked out if things don't seem right. 

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