1st Trimester

Home doppler - 10 weeks?

Is it common to not hear baby's HB on a home doppler at (just) 10 weeks? I see so many posts about women hearing it in the 9th (and even 8th) week, but I have yet to hear my baby's. With DS, I did not have success until just over 11 weeks. I'm pretty thin, but do have a tilted uterus. Not sure if that matters? I know I should not worry, but I wish I could hear mine as early as others! Any one else not hear theirs until later?
m/c March 2009 @ 5 weeks ~ m/c June 2009 @ 10 weeks ~ m/c February 2012 @ 4.5 weeks Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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