
Finally met with a LC!

My lo was struggling to gain weight.  The pedi had is start supplementing with formula after nursing to get her weight to go up and once she reaches and surpasses her birth weight again we will discuss weening her off of formula and go back to ebf.

Last night I met with a LC.  My pedi felt I was not producing enough but the LC disagreed.  She said my daughters latch needed work and we just need to train her.  She is getting milk but not latching properly.  She also felt my lo was a bit early, and that could be why my milk is a little slower to come in and her latch is off.  She is also on the smaller side, shedding her skin, and has alot of body hair.  She said with babies even a couple weeks early breast feeding, as well as weight gain, takes work.

I am happy that hope is not lost to breast feed.  She said in the next two weeks or so my milk should really start to come in and I will notice a difference.  I am so happy that to find out that all of this will be corrected with work and time and I may not have to supplement forever!   

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