
Feeling shamed for BFing

I love BFing my daugther and NIP with no problems.

However I am heading out to our family cabin this weekend where I will see lots of my family from out of town. None of my family believes in BF and thinks that BF takes up so much time and go on and on about it whenever I am around and it makes me feel uncomfortable.

My LO doesn't take a soother and has a really strong urge to suck so I do spend alot of time nursing her. I am OK with doing this- I'm a SAHM and I have time to let her nurse for comfort and I figure that she will not be nursing forever so why not.

I can just imagine how much I am going to hear about it when they see how much time I do spend nursing.  

Part of it I think is just generational- my grandma worked on the farm and propped up the bottle- that is what people did I guess. Also she is at the stage of her life where she has definately lost the filter in the brain which stops a person from saying certain things.

UGH- thanks for the vent!

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