1st Trimester

*updated* Worrying Myself Sick

This post really has no point other than I'm probably worrying myself sick. For fun, it feels like. 

I've had 3 positives on Clear Blue Digital, including one this morning. Beta results from Wednesday came in with a level of 24 which seems low to me since the latest I could have conceived is the 29th of April.

But today after I got home, took a pink dye test - negative. I yell at myself because it had barely been an hour since I pee'd last but my neurosis is getting the best of me. 

I've had no spotting, and I'm starting to get discharge of no color. (TMI, sorry!). Cramping that I had a few days ago isn't as often but still there intermittently if I move around or strain my abdomen. 

I have an appointment with the doctor tomorrow morning. I'm going to ask if there's a way to get another blood withdraw before I go out of town Saturday... I hope I get some reassuring news... 

Sorry ladies, I haven't told anyone about this baby yet and I keep glueing myself to this website for some kind of connection. I feel like I'm living in another world while everyone around me is just clueless. My own mother sat in front of me at dinner tonight and jokingly asked "where's my grand babies?" I wanted to just blurt everything out and start crying but I smiled and said "eventually." Less than 48 hours until I see my fianc? and I can just tell him and not be alone in this anymore.

 Thanks to anyone who read this. Thank god for the internet.  

BabyFetus Ticker
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