
What went wrong?

I'm really bummed that my supply is getting worse and worse each week and am now doing 1/2 formula 1/2 BM. I have EPed from the start using the Medea freestyle. I started EPing  from day 1 bc I freaked out when my baby list weight. I was pumping 8x a day and producing almost 60 oz. Then at 12 weeks he was sleeping through the night and I read I could drop the MOTN pumps. I was still doing really good, maybe about 45 oz then at about 4 months for no reason, my supply slowly started dwindling and now I'm down to 16 oz a day at 6 months! am so upset I've tried everything fenugreek, mothers milk tea, power pumping, hospital grade pump, everything! I have accepted it is what it is and I'm just going to pump and give whatever I make, but can anybody help me by tell me what may have gone wrong so I can successfully give BM for a year to my future LOs? Did anybody else a supply that tanked with their first LO but was successful with their second? Thanks!
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