1st Trimester

Needs some advice please

First of all let me begin by saying...I know that no one can tell me if I am pregnant or not! I just need to know that I'm not the only one this keeps happening to. Thanks!

On April 8th I found out I was pregnant and then on April 9th found out it was a chemcial pregnancy :( We still went ahead and kept trying. I normally have 32 day cycles and this month I am 4 days late. I have taken 2 test both negative :( I have heartburn everyday no matter what I eat, gasy, and some consitpation and I feel like I am always tired...not sure if thats just because I have been super busy lately or what.

Anyway, has anyone had this happen after a chemical pregnancy? What could be happening if I am not pregnant?

Thanks for any advice.

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