3rd Trimester

Bloody Show/Mucous Plug?

Went to the restroom earlier to pee.. When I wiped I had A LOT of mucous with really light blood streaks in it.. I thought I had lost my plug a week or so ago but I guess it was only part.. Anyways.. I wiped 2 or 3 more times and it was just like a period.. Is this what they mean when they say "bloody show?" How long until you delivered after this?? L&D tried to tell me I was bleeding from a UTI and I was just in yesterday at the doctor and they told me I didn't have a UTI. Right now I'm 4 cm dilated 75% effaced -2 station.. Lots of contractions.. The monitor was picking up some pretty hard ones, but I'm just having constant pelvic pressure/back ache (like period cramps).. 
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image image Blighted Ovum Due 4.20.13 Lost 09.19.12*
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