3rd Trimester

XP: from DD board - Aug '12 - due june/july never been to dr.

I was just talking to an old friend (thru text) and he said his SIL is pregnany - I asked her when is she due? he said she doesnt know- I asked why wouldnt she know? he then proceeds to tell me that she has NEVER gone to the dr. Yet. she *thinks* she is due June or July. i have to say - we live in Canada and have free health care - nothing is paid upfront- so this is no excuse. wtf? i am in outter totally shock. I think how dangerous and irresponsible this is. I just cant believe this- and she has another baby too - he is like 5 or 4 or something.

EDIT - I edited this about the breastfeeding - as posters were commented that I thought it was odd- I actually agree with bfing, just was stating another part that she was a mother previously.

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