3rd Trimester

Potty problems (TMI?)

I am 37 weeks now and went in Monday to see my OB. When they tested my urine, the nurse mentioned that she thought I may have a UTI. I thought this made sense because I have been having a little trouble urinating and some lower back pain as well. They asked for another specimen to send for a culture and called this morning to tell me it came back negative. In the meantime though, peeing has become even more difficult. At times, I rush to the restroom only to sit there and have a few drops or nothing! When I am able to go, it's never a lot and it just cuts off suddenly and I oftentimes don't feel like I'm done. Also, I've noticed a little white membrane-like stuff floating in the potty afterwards. Anyone have any clues what's going on? Is all of this normal? I don't remember experiencing anything like this with DD, so I am just confused!

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